Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | window OCR: FOCUS ON THESE FIUE JUNK BOND FUNDS If you te interested ajunk bond fund consider one I these. Each meets allor most of the five tests descrihed in the accompanying : article including ample diversification. With just 48 bonds in n its$196.8 million portfolio, Financial Bond High Yield is not as broadly invested as the others but it has been much less volatile than most small junk funds. Indeed, cach fund has been at. least 25% less risky than the average junk pdq fund during the past few years. Delaware Delchester has 4.75% load and Merrill . Lynch Corporate High Ineome has 4% load the others do not assess sales charges Fund Octeber months Five year Telephone Delaware Delchesto 167 69 800-523 3.4647 Tidelity Spartan High Mncome 201 190 5888-753-008 Finiticla Bond Hiah Yleld 6+1 58.8 800- ...